Friday, October 9, 2009

New glasses!!

yay! I got my glasses today! and although I prefer contacts my eyes are loving the glasses it will be a long time until I use contacts again cuz they hurt soo bad!!! I wouldn't take them off which is not good!

anyways, I had taco bell to eat today,..3/4 of a mexican pizza plus a piece of quesadilla, soda yay!!!!!! but right now I need another cup of joe!!! and then keep doing the laundry and then workout!!

Also,...I got a stroller!! yay,...and it is USED and LOVING IT!!! I payed 30 bucks and it is originally 170!!! and it is in perfect condiditon a few scrapes but other than that I am happy like a cow!!!

Soul searching and energy

My rant for the day:
I have a lot of soul searching to do,..I yet to know who I am, what I like, and what my purpose is in life. I have gone thru soo much in my lifetime. I have lived my life on the fast lane. Getting married at 17 yr,..having a baby at 18 yr,... getting divorced at 19 yr,...getting remarried and children at 20 yr,...and now divorced with four kids,...25 yrs,...I feel soo old and unhappy,...this is not what I expected my life to be at this time age,...I had dreams very BIG dreams and now I am stuck in a life that my own choices and consequences have developed. I know my favorite color is purple. But aside from that I have no idea who I am? I guess I have not choosen to embrace my life so to speak..I am not a very positive person to begin with. But I know that I need to change this attitude towards life I do not want to look back and be miserable I want happinness I really do,..I want to wake up and be happy in my own skin, happy with my surroundings,..Im so tired of all the drama in my life,..there is no time machine I can't go back,..all I can do is move forward in my life but not like this ...

I took erik to school and now drinking my coffee,..

My Goal is to eat small portions and no more soda!!!! and no more food after 7pm and exercise today!!!

Closer to God, Weight loss journey!!

So,...I am getting the laundry done yes even now at this time,...all the kids are asleep and I have major catching up since I was sick for the last almost two weeks!! I have discovered why I am soo miserable: A: Need to really get back in to my christian mode and focus on God!! B: weight loss!!!! I have stopped going to the gym and have yet to lose my baby weight,...I had struggled with the baby weight last year when I had my youngest but I was working out and feeling good so it was okay,..but now it is ridiculous I have actually gained more weight than when I was pregnant. I now weigh 137 lbs!! yes that is huge I am only 4"11!!! Now, I do have boobs and hips so I will never and have never had a nicole richie body but I am majorly overweight!! I should be at 115 lbs!!! So I am like 22 lbs over and not looking cute trust me!! I am also sluggish no energy and unhappy!! well, not no more I am not going to be down on myself I am going to pull myself up and lose this weight!!! I will post pics up tomorrow and get my butt back to the gym,....this may not be easy but I have no choice,....I refuse to live like this any day longer I have to make this change!!!!!!


Thursday, October 8, 2009

As I sit in front of my computer,...looking at the pile of laundry that looks like it will never end!! I am just tired of not having some type of organization system. Ugh!! I have found soo many great ideas from other bloggers but I honestly don't know/ have the funds to do some of the things since I can't buy organization stuff like a calendar yeah I am that broke just enough for bills!! yes,...I am ranting and hope that this may just relieve some of my am I weird but coffee is just not cutting it for me no more I need energy I feel so drained!! I see my life just passing by and I just cant function....I secretly want to be that supermom that does everything and more!! but how? if it is soo hard for me to even wake up in the morning let alone become this alter ego of perfection!! I have alot to learn but feel like my life has no meaning , sad,...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

almost done with my term paper!! yay!!
Working on my term paper that is due tomorrow!! not a good idea to start at the last minute!